If you have any questions, or need assistance, please contact Client Services at websales@cbre.com.

Hotel Horizons forecast are available for the U.S. and 65 major U.S. cites.

All Historical data comes from Kalibri Labs.

The market forecast are broken down between upper-priced, mid-priced, lower-priced, and all hotels. Definitions in Glossary:


All performance indicators listed below are presented as Daily Averages in Hotel Horizons®

Occupancy – Demand divided by supply. Overall Percentage of hotel occupied with guests for a given period

Average Daily Rate (ADR) - Revenue divided by Demand. The average rate a guest can expect to pay during a specified period of time.

Revenue Per Available Room (RevPAR) - Revenue divided by Supply: Overall utilization of a given property’s supply of rooms. Dollars of revenue per room available in a specified period of time.

Supply - Average number of rooms available during a specified period of time.

Demand - Average number of rooms sold during a specified period of time.

Revenue - Daily gross dollar income of room sales during a specified period of time.

Upper-Priced includes Luxury, and Upper Upscale properties*

Mid-Priced includes Upscale and Upper-Midscale properties*

Lower-Priced: includes Midscale, and Economy properties*

* - Based on Kalibri Labs brand classifications:

Kalibri Brand Classifications

Publications & Data Products

 Hotel Horizons® Q 3   2 0 2 4   E D I T I O N

CBRE Hotels set to enhance forecasting and expand market reach with data from STR and CoStar:

Dear Valued Client,

We are thrilled to share that starting with our May 2025 forecast release, we will exclusively utilize STR's industry-leading historical hotel KPI data set to underpin our forecasts in place of Kalibri.

Now a feature of CoStar, STR’s historical performance data is directly sourced from more than 85,000 hotels around the world. This will expand the reach of our markets to include high-demand cities such as Park City as well as leisure-oriented markets such as the national parks of southern Utah, northern New Mexico, and Napa Valley.

Since 2019, there has been a sizeable shift in how and when consumers are traveling. With this change, we are working hard to bring you our most fresh thinking and most relevant markets.

We understand that the upcoming changes may affect your hotels sector subscription. If you'd like to learn more, simply contact us and we'd be happy to walk you through how the changes may impact you.

Yours in partnership,
CBRE Hotels Research


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Hotel Horizons® in 60 Seconds

Hotel Horizons® Forecast Overview
Market Level Forecasts and Historical Data

Ten-Year Forecasts: Supply, Demand, Occupancy, Revenue, ADR, and RevPAR for Upper-priced, Mid-priced, and Lower-priced segments in 65 U.S. Markets.

History Back to 2019: Data for 65 markets and over 145 submarkets, including Supply, Demand, Occupancy, Revenue, ADR, and RevPAR.

Investment Performance Data Series: Analyze historical and expected Total Revenue, Expenses, NOI, Cap Rates, and Property Values for 65 markets across the U.S.. (Investment Performance can be purchased as an add-on to your Hotel Horizons subscription.)


National Report

U.S. Lodging Industry Outlook: Separate forecasts for 6 national chain-scale segments (Luxury, Upper Upscale, Upscale, Upper Midscale, Midscale, Economy) and 6 location types (Interstate, Airport, Resort, Small Metro/Town, Urban, Suburban).
International markets launch in 2H25.

Tools and Features

Data Access: Export raw data to Excel.

All historical data based on STR/CoStar’s
sample of 85,000 reporting hotels and 11 million guest rooms beginning in May 2025. For the February 2025 forecast release, all historical data will be based on Kalibri Labs.