Hotel Horizons® Forecast Overview
Market Level Forecasts and Historical Data
Ten-Year Forecasts: Supply, Demand, Occupancy, Revenue, ADR, and RevPAR for Upper-priced, Mid-priced, and Lower-priced segments in 65 U.S. Markets.
History Back to 2019: Data for 65 markets and over 145 submarkets, including Supply, Demand, Occupancy, Revenue, ADR, and RevPAR.
Investment Performance Data Series: Analyze historical and expected Total Revenue, Expenses, NOI, Cap Rates, and Property Values for 65 markets across the U.S.. (Investment Performance can be purchased as an add-on to your Hotel Horizons subscription.)
National Report
U.S. Lodging Industry Outlook: Separate forecasts for 6 national chain-scale segments (Luxury, Upper Upscale, Upscale, Upper Midscale, Midscale, Economy) and 6 location types (Interstate, Airport, Resort, Small Metro/Town, Urban, Suburban).
International markets launch in 2H25.
Tools and Features
Data Access: Export raw data to Excel.
All historical data based on STR/CoStar’s sample of 85,000 reporting hotels and 11 million guest rooms beginning in May 2025. For the February 2025 forecast release, all historical data will be based on Kalibri Labs.