If you have any questions, or need assistance, please contact Client Services at websales@cbre.com.

Hotel Horizons forecast are available for the U.S. and 65 major U.S. cites.

All Historical data comes from Kalibri Labs.

The market forecast are broken down between upper-priced, mid-priced, lower-priced, and all hotels (definitions in Glossary: https://pip.cbrehotels.com/docs/default-source/default-document-library/kalibri-data-glossary.pdf?sfvrsn=2)

Occupancy – Demand divided by supply. Overall Percentage of hotel occupied with guests for a given period

Average Daily Rate (ADR) - Revenue divided by Demand. The average rate a guest can expect to pay during a specified period of time.

Revenue Per Available Room (RevPAR) - Revenue divided by Supply: Overall utilization of a given property’s supply of rooms. Dollars of revenue per room available in a specified period of time.

Supply - Average number of rooms available during a specified period of time.

Demand - Average number of rooms sold during a specified period of time.

Revenue - Gross dollar income of room sales during a specified period of time.

Upper-Priced includes Luxury, and Upper Upscale properties*

Mid-Priced includes Upscale and Upper-Midscale properties*

Lower-Priced: includes Midscale, and Economy properties*

* - Based on Kalibri Labs chain class definitions: https://pip.cbrehotels.com/docs/default-source/default-document-library/cbrehotels_kalibrlabs_brand-classification.xlsx?sfvrsn=2

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Hotels Builder is available to Hotel Horizons® multi-market subscribers. For access contact websale@cbre.com. See our market coverage below.

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